Love. Leisure. Health. How. Local. Global. Truth. Trust.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just Getting Started.

One of the chief complaints people spit out about the green trend is whether it's worth it. Are you kidding me?

How many people like to look at colorless concrete over a lakeside view situated against a mountainous backdrop? How many people don't mind giving up 'their' land to build more houses?

Yet despite the personal preferences and directly aimed attacks, few of the same people complaining are actually willing to do what it takes to preserve the very things they love.


Because it takes work. Duh, what doesn't? Are we REALLY that lazy? Sometimes. Myself included. But when we don't have our bouts of chosen boredom, we are every bit capable of standing up to the challenge.

No, not everything will give you cancer. Just most things.

So educate yourself on the things that do and how to get rid of them so we can enjoy real living for as long as possible. Who thinks losing a parent, grandparent, child or sibling to liver cancer or breast cancer or alzheimers or ______ (fill in the blank!) is NO BIG DEAL? Didn't think so. Especially if it's avoidable.

I'm not suggesting you become as gung-ho about saving the planet as I am. But every little bit helps. What I am suggesting is when opportunity stares you in the face...stop shrugging it off. You're better than that. The world is better than that. And you both deserve more time and attention spent on the things that really matter. Like longer, happier days with the people you care about. Looking off into the distance at things that fill you with a sensation that leaves you saying, "I like that."

So stop relying on organizations to keep fighting a losing battle on your behalf. Obviously brand names and corporate giants aren't looking out for your best interest. So who should? Who is going to look out for you, and put a value on the quality of life you deserve?

If you don't do it for the world, then at the very least do it for you.

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